
Our Commitments

Sustainability at Saint Honore

For Saint Honore, sustainability means generating profitability through the businesses we develop and creating social, environmental, and economic value over time. It is also important to achieve the well-being of our collaborators in the communities where we operate.

Our portfolio includes major brands present in six countries in Central and South America and the Caribbean. We have more than 650 employees who work as a team to meet our objectives, increase motivation and creativity, and promote our employees’ social skills.

To achieve this, we have proposed integrating sustainability into our business strategy so that everyone at Saint Honore contributes in their role to help us become a company with a positive social and environmental impact.

To the Environment

  • Respect the applicable environmental regulations and ensure firm compliance with the requirements in this area by its employees and suppliers.
  • Promote actions to mitigate climate change and progressively reduce the company’s carbon footprint.
  • To ensure the optimization of energy consumption in the facilities and the reduction of energy consumption associated with non-renewable energy sources.
  • Integrate the environmental variable into the company’s risk management and ensure the necessary prevention, mitigation, and correction/solution mechanisms are in place.
  • Promote a culture of environmental protection among employees and suppliers.
  • Rationalize resource use, developing circular economy initiatives (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) for business.
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With Collaborators and Society

  • Comply with and enforce compliance with current legislation on working conditions, with particular attention to the principles of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  • To ensure compliance with applicable state, local, and regional health and labor flexibility regulations.
  • Prevent and avoid situations arising from psychosocial risks, especially harassment in the workplace, with protocols and action measures to ensure the functioning of the channels of complaint and corrective actions that may result from them.
  • Promote diversity and equal opportunities in talent selection and retention. Promote people’s professional development in a progressive, motivating, and inclusive environment.
  • Maintain a safe and healthy workplace through preventive risk management, adopting preventive and corrective measures, and promoting and protecting employees’ health and safety.
  • Invest in socially responsible actions that respond to the needs of the Group’s environments, seeking synergies with the company’s knowledge and business model (strategic social action).
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With good governance, ethics and integrity and good practices (see more)

  • Ensure the functioning of internal control mechanisms and compliance with expected behaviors regarding good governance, ethics, and integrity.
  • Promote a sustainable culture and ethical behavior of all employees in their daily performance, especially in their relations with the company’s stakeholders.
  • To take care of the relationship with customers, pursuing the following actions:
    • To provide a quality service, monitoring the customer’s experience with the Group through satisfaction surveys or other means that allow active and permanent listening.
    • To protect due confidentiality in the treatment of personal data of all users.
    • To manage and resolve complaints in due time and form to maximize the degree of satisfaction.